Warming up:
2017.07.10 – 2017.07.15 (00:00 UTC)
Event period:
2017.07.15 – 2017.08.07 (00:00 UTC)
Cool down:
2017.08.07 – 2017.08.12 (00:00 UTC)
1. Event screens
2. Event Story
3. EP Missions
4. Event final prize
5. Event Gacha
1. Event screens
The event page have two sections: the Event Story and the EP Missions. The objective of the event is get a perfect on all the missions of the Event Story plus 30,000 EP (Event Points) on the EP missions. Inside the button “Get Event Prizes” you can access to the following screen:
2. Event Story
The Event Story missions are regular story missions. You’ll follow the story and get prizes. If you get a perfect on all the missions, you will get a Rank B character, Sakura.
Sakura have a passive skill that multiply the EP by a 1.2 factor. There are other characters that have an EP multiplier during the event period. You can get them as a drop inside the event, or in the gacha.
3. EP Missions
On the EP Missions you’ll get Event Points after completing a mission and, if you get a perfect, extra EP as a reward. You can get the perfect reward each time you play.
HINT: if you put more than one character with EP bonification in your team, the final EP value will correspond to the total of all the multipliers. Please note this is applied to the regular EP you receive after the battle, but not to the EP you get as a perfect prize.
After each mission, your total EP count will go up. Depending of the amount of EP you have you’ll have access to different prizes. Once the event is finished, it’s still possible to claim the prizes for a five days period (“cool down”).
4. Event special prize
If you can complete all the Event Story with perfect and get 30,000 EP on the EP Missions, you will receive a Rank A character, Shizuka:
ATK: 400
HP: 2300
Cost: 27
Active Skill: Attack All
Passive Skill: AI Boost x1.3
5. Event Special gacha
During the event period, the appearing percentage for Rank A and Rank S characters will grow as follow:
Rank A: from 19% to 22%
Rank S: from 1% to 3%.
Also during the event, these characters will give an EP bonification on the Normal Gacha:
Rank D: Goro & Dek (EP x1.1)
And these characters will give an EP bonification on the Rare Gacha:
Rank B: Sakura (EP x1.2)
Rank A: Logan & Aaron (EP x1.3)
Rank S: NULL (EP x1.5)
NOTE: after the event, the “EP multiplier” passive skill will disappear and the regular skill of each character will come back. Rank D Goro and Dek won’t have passive skill after the event.